benefits of sex when you are in a relationship - daily health letters,relationship,health information,natural remedies,pregnancy symptoms

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


benefits of sex when you are in a relationship


Sex and health go hand in hand. Research has linked it to a slimmer waistline, a stronger heart and a lower risk for prostate and breast cancers. It's also a boon for mental health, since sex is associated with lower rates of depression and better mood. Sex may feel like a mere means of pleasure and fun but there is a lot of good that it can do for your relationship. To some people sex may seem overrated, but we give you five reasons why sex is beneficial for your relationship.

Good for your heart


Anything that exercises your heart is good for you, including sex. Sexual arousal sends the heart rate higher, and the number of beats per minute reaches its peak during orgasm.  Having sex at least twice a week will heavily reduce your chances of having a heart attack and helps maintain a healthy heart.

Boost your fertility


This will sound like ­music to most men’s ears – studies have found that the more often you make love, the better quality your sperm will be. Semen health was found to be best when sex had last occurred less than two days before the sperm was tested and was greatly decreased after 10 days of abstinence. If you’re trying for a baby, keep sperm fresh and in tip-top shape by having sex at least twice a week, and not only around the time of the woman’s ovulation. Frequent sex has also been found to help balance a woman’s hormones and regulate her periods, which can further boost chances of conceiving.

It Can Boost Your Immune System


With all the concerns about cold and flu viruses, combating germs can sometimes feel like a full-time job. Surprisingly, there may be something you can do in the bedroom to keep your immune system strong. Individuals who have sex once or twice a week show 30 percent higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A, which is known to boost the immune system. So, make this your new cold-and-flu season mantra: Wash your hands and make a bedroom date with your sweetie—often!

Keeps tension away


Embracing someone special can lower blood pressure, according to researchers.

In one experiment, couples who held each other's hands for 10 minutes followed by a 20-second hug had healthier reactions to subsequent stress, such as public speaking. Compared with couples who rested quietly without touching, the huggers had:

Lower heart rate
Lower blood pressure
Smaller heart rate increases

Similar effects have been found for sexual stroking, although this appears to only reduce blood pressure in women who are stroked, not men.

Keeps you both healthy


Sex can also benefit your overall health. Sex can also make you more flexible. It causes the body to release oxytocin, which is also called the love hormone that will make you feel that you need to love and trust your partner.  It also acts as a metabolic and immune booster and can also fight the ageing process. This ensures that it not only keeps you and your partner healthy but also keeps your relationship vibrant.

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