Piles (hemorrhoids) is a condition wherein the veins inside or outside the anus or lower rectum gets inflamed or swollen. Hemorrhoid swelling occurs when there is an increase in the pressure in the small vessels that make up hemorrhoid causing them to swell and engorge with blood. This causes them to increase in size leading to symptoms.
Discomfort around anus
Pain and bleeding may occur during defecation
Pea-sized swellings
Some people develop internal and external piles.
Internal piles can be classified into grades 1 to 4 according to their severity and size:
Stage 1
At this stage small swellings on the inside lining of the anal canal. They cannot be seen or felt from outside the anus. These are common. In some people they enlarge further to stage 2 or more.
Stage 2
Swellings become larger. They may be partly pushed out from the anus when you go to the toilet, but quickly spring back inside again.
Stage 3
Hemorrhoids hang out from the anus when you go to the toilet. You may feel one or more as small, soft lumps that hang from the anus. However, you can push them back inside the anus with a finger.
Stage 4
Hemorrhoids permanently hang down from within the anus, and you cannot push them back inside. They sometimes become quite large.
Low fiber diet
Chronic constipation
Anal intercourse
Straining when passing a stool
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties that are known to be effective at treating inflammatory skin conditions. However, you should only use pure aloe Vera gel on hemorrhoids. Some people are allergic to aloe Vera, particularly those who are allergic to garlic or onions. Check for allergic reaction by rubbing a dime-sized amount onto your forearm. Wait 24 to 48 hours. If no reaction occurs, it should be safe to use.
Have a good night sleep
Difficult to believe but true, Digestion is completed when we get a good, uninterrupted, undisturbed sleep for good 6-8 hours. The body repairs itself during this period and also releases lots of enzymes and hormoes so essential for body’s maintenance and keeping you healthy. So, if you do not get a good sleep, digestion will not be completed and constipation will follow. You can notice it yourself by observing that whenever you have had a disturbed or a short sleep, next morning bowel movements are not regular, as compared to a good and normal bowel movements after a good night sleep. Such is the importance of sleep for our health.
Keep hydrated. Plenty of fluids soften your poo and make it easier to pass. Water is a good choice. Prune juice is a natural laxative and can help you go.
If you keep moving it can help your bowels keep moving too. Regular aerobic exercise, like brisk walking 20-30 minutes every day, can help keep you from becoming constipated.
Warm baths
Soak in a bathtub filled with a few inches of warm water for about 15 minutes at a time. Do it two or three times a day and after every bowel movement. If you want to wash the area, too, use unscented soap and don't scrub.
Use ice
Ice packs can help reduce the swelling of piles. You can use already-made ice packs or place some ice into a plastic bag and wrap in a piece of cloth. Place it onto the hemorrhoid region.
Only use ice packs for five to ten minutes at a time. Do not apply ice directly onto your skin because it can have adverse effects on your skin.
Go to the toilet as soon as possible after feeling the need. Some people suppress this feeling and plan to go to the toilet later. This may result in bigger and harder stools forming which are then more difficult to pass. Do not strain on the toilet. Piles may cause a feeling of fullness in the rectum and it is tempting to strain at the end to try to empty the rectum further. Try not to strain when you go to the toilet.
Epsom salts and glycerin
This less-known home treatment can help painful hemorrhoids. Use these simple ingredients to make a compound that you apply directly to the inflamed area:
Mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts with 2 tablespoons of glycerin. Apply the mixture to a gauze pad and place it on the painful area. Leave this application on the area for 15-20 minutes. Repeat every four to six hours until the pain eases.
What to avoid?
Avoid the intake of heavy, dry, cool, and stale foods.
Avoid refined foods like jams, pastries, packaged, and canned foods.
Also avoid tea, coffee, aerated drinks, and alcoholic beverages.
Avoid pickles, potatoes, and root vegetables except radish and carrot.
Avoid excessive fasting, overeating, eating during indigestion, and eating incompatible food.
Avoid sleeping during the daytime and waking up late in the night.
There are some over-the-counter (OTC) medications which help soothe the redness and swelling around the anus area. Some of them contain witch hazel, hydrocortisone, or some other active ingredient which can relieve symptoms of itching and pain.
Try simple things if you have a little problem but don’t wait anymore to consult with a doctor when problem increases.
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